Information Security Basic Policy

i2i Communication Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") works on information security throughout the entire organization based on the following policy to protect the information assets entrusted by our customers from threats such as accidents, disasters, crimes, and to respond to the trust of customers and society.

The Company strives for continuous improvement and enhancement of information security under the leadership of top management.

The Company establishes an organization and sets information security measures as formal rules within the company to maintain and improve information security.

The employees of the Company acquire necessary knowledge and skills for information security and make their efforts for information security a sure thing.

The Company complies with laws, regulations, norms, and contractual obligations related to information security, and meets the expectations of customers.

The Company appropriately responds to violations of laws and contracts related to information security and incidents, and makes efforts to prevent recurrence.

Date of enactment: September 28, 2020

i2i Communication Ltd.

Representative Director President, Yoshitsugu Haraguchi